
 (Link to Google Scholar Profile)

  1. Vilme H, Akin-Odanye EO, Sauls D, De Leon J, Paul CJ, Brown JS Speights, White-Means S, Amissah F, Ndip RN, Dokurugu YM, Bosworth HB, Avorgbedor F, López IA. 2022. A Social-Ecological Exploration of College and University Students’ COVID-19 Infection Preventive Behaviors, American Journal of Health Education 53(4):256-265,
  2. Vilme H, Kaninjing E, Paul CJ, Lopez I, Wankie C, Akin-Odanye E, Ndip R, Dokurugu Y, Tendongfor N, Amissah F, White-Means S, Sauls D. 2022. Food insecurity among university students in the United States amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of American College Health,
  3. Lee D, Paul CJ, Pilkington W, Mulrooney T, Diggs SN, Kumar D. 2021. Examining the Effects of Social Determinants of Health on COVID-19 Related Stress, Family’s Stress and Discord, and Personal Diagnosis of COVID-19. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports 5(100183),
  4. Marion Suiseeya KR, Elhard DK, Paul CJ. 2021. Towards a Relational Approach in Global Climate Governance: Exploring the Role of Trust. WIREs Climate Change 12(4): e712.
  5. Kaninjing E, Lopez I, Wankie C, Akin-Odanye E, Ndip R, Dokurugu Y, Tendongfor N, Amissah F, White-Means S, Paul CJ, Sauls D, Vilme H. 2022. The Academic and Social Impact of COVID-19 Among College Students: Perspectives from the United States of America, Cameroon, Ghana, and Nigeria. International Journal of Higher Education 11(3).
  6. Olfert MD, Hagedorn-Hatfield RL, Houghtaling B, Esquivel MK, Hood LB, Lillian MacNell L, Soldavini J, Berner M, Savoie Roskos MR, Hingle MD, Mann GR, Waity JF, Knol LL, Walsh J, Kern-Lyons V, Paul CJ, Pearson K, Goetz JR, Marsha Spence M, Anderson-Steeves E, Wall-Bassett ED, Lillis JP, Kelly EB, Hege A, Fontenot MC, Coleman P. 2021. Struggling with the basics: food and housing insecurity among college students across twenty-two colleges and universities. Journal of American College Health,
  7. Godebo TR, Jeuland MA, Paul CJ, Redda TH. 2021. Water quality threats, perceptions of climate change and behavioral responses among farmers in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Climate 9(6),
  8. Hagedorn RL, Olfert MD, MacNeil L, Houghtaling B, Hood LB, Savoie Roskos MR, Goetz JR, Kerns-Lyons V, Knol LL, Mann GR, Esquivel MK, Hege A, Walsh J, Person K, Berner M, Soldavini J, Anderson-Reeves E, Spence M, Paul CJ, Waity JF, Wall-Bassett ED, Hingle MD, Kelly EB, Lillis JP, Coleman P, Fontenot, M. 2021. College Student Sleep Quality and Mental and Physical Health are Associated with Food Insecurity in a Multi-Campus Study. Public Health Nutrition, 1-23.
  9. Kim H, Kim D, Paul CJ, Lee CK. The spatial allocation of hospitals with negative pressure isolation rooms in Korea: are we prepared for new outbreaks? International Journal of Health Policy Management 9(11):475-483. doi:10.34172/ijhpm.2020.118
  10. Vilme H, Paul CJ, Duke N, Sauls D, Campbell S, Skinner A, Muiruri C, Bosworth H, Dokurugu Y, Fay J. 2020. Using Geographic Information Systems to Characterize Food Environments around Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Implications for Nutrition Interventions. The Journal of American College Health, , DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2020.1767113.
  11. Paul CJ, Damodaran T, Clark C, Malone L, Wyman Roth N. Building Sustainability through Collaboration: The Trillium Inter-institutional Workshop on Teaching Sustainability. Council for European Studies. EuropeNow Journal, January 15, 2020.
  12. Paul CJ, Paul JE, Anderson RS. 2019. The Local Food Environment and Food Security: The Health Behavior Role of Social Capital. International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health, 16(24), 5045
  13. Godebo TR, Paul CJ, Jeuland MA, Redda TH. 2019. Biomonitoring of metals and trace elements in urine of central Ethiopian populations. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health: In press.
  14. Paul CJ, Jeuland MA, Godebo TR, Weinthal E. 2018. Communities coping with risks: Household water choice and environmental health in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Environmental Science and Policy 86(Aug): 85-94.
  15. Paul CJ, Weinthal E. 2018. The development of Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Green Economy 2011–2014: implications for rural adaptationClimate and Development, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2018.1442802
  16. Yang GG, Kim D, Pham A, Paul CJ. 2018. A Meta-Regression Analysis of the Effectiveness of Mosquito Nets for Malaria Control: The Value of Long-Lasting Insecticide Nets. International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health 15(3):546.
  17. Aldrich D, Page C,  Paul CJ. 2016. Social Capital and Climate Change Adaptation. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science.
  18. Paul CJ, Weinthal E, Bellemare MF, Jeuland MA. 2016. Social Capital, Trust, and Adaptation to Climate Change: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia. Global Environmental Change 36:124-138. [Replication Materials]
  19. Paul CJ, Kramer RA, Lesser A, Mutero CM, Miranda ML, Dickinson K. 2015. Identifying barriers in the malaria control policymaking process in East Africa: insights from stakeholders and a structured literature review. BMC Public Health 15(1): 862.
  20. Seo S, Kim, D, Min S, Paul CJ, Yoo Y, Choung JT. 2015. GIS-based Association between PM10 and Allergic Diseases in Seoul: Implication for Health and Environmental Policy. Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research 7:e54.
  21. Mutero CM, Kramer RA, Paul CJ, Lesser A, Miranda ML, Mboera LEG, Kiptui R, Kabatereine N, Ameneshewa B. 2014. Factors influencing malaria control policy-making in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Malaria Journal 13:305.
  22. Rango T, Vengosh A, Jeuland M., Redda Kravchenko J, Paul CJ, McCornick PG, Weinthal E. 2014. Fluoride exposure from groundwater as reflected by urinary fluoride and children’s dental fluorosis in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley. Science of the Total Environment 496:188-197.
  23. Kramer RA, Mboera LEG, Senkoro K, Lesser A, Shayo EH, Paul CJ, Marie Lynn Miranda. 2014. A Randomized Longitudinal Factorial Design to Assess Malaria Vector Control and Disease Management Interventions in Rural Tanzania. International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health 11.
  24. Seo, S., Kim, D., Paul CJ, Yoo Y., Choung J. 2014. Exploring household-level risk factors for self-reported prevalence of allergic diseases among low-income households in Seoul, Korea. Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research 6(5):421-427.
  25. Kravchenko J, Rango T, Akushevich I, Atlaw B, McCornick PG, Merola BR, Paul CJ, Weinthal E, Vengosh A, Jeuland M. 2014. The effect of non-fluoride factors on risk of dental fluorosis: Evidence from rural populations of the Main Ethiopian Rift. Science of the Total Environment 488–489:595–606. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.12.087
  26. Brown Z,  Kramer R, Mutero C, Kim D, Miranda ML, Ameneshewa B, Lesser A, Paul CJ. 2012.   Stakeholder development of the Malaria Decision Analysis Support Tool (MDAST).  Malaria Journal, 11(Suppl 1):P15  doi:10.1186/1475-2875-11-S1-P15
  27. Paul CJ, Weinthal E, Harrison C. 2012. Climate Change, Foreign Assistance, and Development: What Future for Ethiopia? Transatlantic Academy Paper Series.
  28. Miranda ML, Edwards S, Keating M, and Paul CJ. 2011. Making the Environmental Justice Grade: The Relative Burden of Air Pollution Exposure in the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 8(6): 1755-1771.
  29. Paul CJ and Miranda ML. 2011. “Air Pollution and Global Public Health” in: Parker R and Sommers M, eds., Routledge Handbook of Global Public Health. New York: Routledge.
  30. Miranda ML, Edwards S, Swamy G, Paul CJ, and Neelon B. 2010. Blood Lead Levels Among Pregnant Women: Historical Versus Contemporaneous Exposures. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 7(4): 1508-1519.
  31. Paul CJ and Rafuls Rosa M, Editors. 2009. Hassaniya: Grammar, Vocabulary and Practical Usage. United States Peace Corps in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. Charleston: Createspace.
  32. Schaad DE, Franzoni LP, Paul CJ, Bauer A, Morgan K. 2008. A Perfect Storm: Examining Natural Disasters by Combining Traditional Teaching Methods with Service-Learning and Innovative Technology. International Journal of Engineering Education 24(3):450-465.
  33. Miranda ML, Kim D, Hull AP, Paul CJ, Galeano MAO. 2007. The Relationship between Early Childhood Blood Lead Levels and Performance on End of Grade Tests. Environmental Health Perspectives 115(8):1242–1247.
  34. Miranda ML, Kim D, Hull AP, Paul CJ, Galeano MAO. 2007. Changes in Blood Lead Levels Associated with Use of Chloramines in Water Treatment Systems. Environmental Health Perspectives 115(2):221-225.
  35. Paul CJ. 2006. “Recreation and the Environment” in: Abramson R, Haskell J, eds., Encyclopedia of Appalachia. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 135-136.
  36. Paul CJ, Kamusiime H, Obaikol E, Rugadya M. 2004. Tenure in Community Forests: A Study of Communal Land Associations as Forest Management Regimes in Budongo, Masindi (Uganda). Associates for Development Land Rights Series, No. 1. Oxfam Great Britain “Land Rights in Africa”